Spring tide سپرنگ ٹیڈ when the water level of ocean is very high and very low.
Neap tide نیپ ٹیڈ when the water level of ocean is equal.
Gravity کششس effects the water level of ocean follow moon.

lunar revolution چند کے دن the moon goes around the earth it takes 29.5 days for moon to complete.

High tide اونچی لہر water level of ocean is high.
Low tide چوٹی لہر water level ocean is low.

Tides is the water level ocean. There are two types of tides spring and neap tide. High tide is when the water level of ocean is very high and very low. Neap tide is when the water level of ocean equal. Tides are caused by the gravity and lunar revolution. During spring tide the phase of the moon is 1st or 3rd quarter and sun,earth, moon they are in same line. During neap tide phase of the moon is new or full and the sun,moon, earth they are in right angle L shape.Tide happens two times a day.
How is earth affected by movement?
The earth is affected by its movement. Earth rotate on its axis in 24 hours. The rotation of earth cause day and night. Earths revolves are around the sun it takes 365 or 366 days to complete the revolution. The earth revolution causes the seasons. There are for 4 seasons winter,summer,fall and spring. And spring and neap tides also caused by the earth movement.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
The most I enjoy was working with group and because we guys had fun while making video.
2. What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?
For me most challenging was making pictures for the project because I am not good at drawing pictures.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned that working as a group is better then working alone.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I should improve my pictures that I used in video and also I should correct my mistakes that I narrated in video.